Thursday, June 23, 2011

Since the last time we spoke...

Caroline finally started walking at 19 months. I didn't think she was ever going to walk. She had a pop in her right hip that our chiropractor adjusted a couple of times. I thought the pop might have been contributing to her not wanting to walk. Turns out she was just not ready to walk.
Billy and I joked that she needed to start walking before we went to Disney World in April so she could walk to Mickey Mouse. Well, just before we went, she started walking! :)

Conner completed his first year of school. He had an amazing teacher and really excelled in reading. Very proud of him! He went on many field trips and I got to tag along with him. He has lost his bottom two teeth and checks the others daily to see if they are loose.

I'm going to be going to a class to learn how to effectively use coupons next month. Hopefully I will learn to save some money while doing it. :) Through one of the blogs I follow I saw a site to blog about different products. I signed up for it and am excited to start doing it.

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