Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Just a little update!

Nothing too exciting just....


I went in today to have my estrogen and progesterone levels checked today. After that I went to help my mom with some things and I get a call from my dr.'s office while I was on the phone with a friend. I missed the call and immediately called back.

When I called back they put me on hold and the nurse that usually calls me back said it wasn't her that called me b/c they didn't give her my chart. So, she puts me on hold. She comes back online and tells me that they are still looking for who called me. Then, one of the Dr.s gets on the phone and I immediately think the worst. He asks if I'm at a place where I can talk. (Really thinking the worst now) He then says, "Okay, you're pregnant!" I asked, "Really?!?! I didn't think I was going to find out today?" He said they were being sneaky and they usually won't tell unless it's definitive and mine was definitive!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

If you didn't know by now...

We are trying for another baby. We transferred 4 embryos on December 19th and will have my pregnancy test this Wednesday December 31st.
I had a little bit of a scare on Christmas day. I started spotting. It had been a very busy day for us of course. We got up and Conner opened up his Santa Claus presents that morning. (I woke up at 6:30 and couldn't get him up until about 7:30...lol) Then, we got ready and went to Billy's mom's house and exchanged presents and ate dinner up there. Came home for about an hour. That's when I found that I started spotting.
I told Billy about it and told him I was going to lay down for a bit. It was about an hour before we left to go to my parents' house. The rest of the day I sort of sat down and chilled. When we got home the spotting had increased and I called Dr. K to see if there was anything that needed to be done. He said that it was really just in God's hands now. I felt really bad for calling him b/c he was obviously sleeping when the answering service called him and there wasn't anything else that could be done.
Yesterday we went to Jackson like we always do to exchange gifts and visit with my Aunt, Uncle, and Grandfather. I was still spotting a little bit, but not near as much. I still just sort of took it easy and didn't lift on Conner or anything heavier than my purse.
Today I wake up and the spotting is gone! :) So, I'm hoping this was implantation bleeding. We'll see this Wednesday, I guess. Keep praying for me, please!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Long time no post...

So, it's been a while, huh?
I guess I've just been neglecting my blogging duties. I was talking about this to my friend Laura ( see BFF ). We were both wondering why we don't blog as often. It's not like it's that hard. I have no idea why I don't do it more often.
I have found some more blogs that I love to "stalk" (in a friend
ly, check them everyday kind of way.) The first one is Cakewrecks. It's a hilarious look at what can happen to the beautiful cake that you dreamed of for your special occasion turning into....well, a wreck.
The other blog I love reading is Fail Blog. It is along the same lines as Cakewrecks, but deals with more than just cakes. Some pretty funny things are on there.
There is one more blog that I like to check in on called 365. It's a blog by a girl from my message board. She posts a picture for each da
y for 365 days - one year. It's really a cute blog and she's really a great photographer. I've consulted her on a few photography questions of mine. I wish I had her talent.
Well, I think that's all for right now. I will leave you with the Christmas card I created to send to family and friends this year.
I used the background and trees from Captivated Visions. I used the snowflake overlay from Scrapping with Liz. The rest was all me which was words and picture...lol
Wow, looks like I went link happy today. Well, it's my gift to you! Happy clicking. And Happy Holidays!!!