Thursday, July 24, 2008

My own paradise!

Have you ever thought that you wanted to be in paradise? Have you ever thought about what paradise might be? To some it might be exotic get a way. To others it might be a great shopping trip. Well, I've found mine, and it's in my back yard with Conner.
Yesterday, we were outside he was playing in his pool and I was reading my book. We weren't in an exotic loc
ale and heaven knows we sure didn't buy It was just simply nice to be able to enjoy being in a back yard watching my son play. Knowing that we didn't have to go anywhere to be happy. We were happy in our own backyard.
So, I guess what I'm trying to get at is paradise can be ANYWHERE you want it to be. It's just what you make of the situation you are in.


Y4 Momma said...

Paradise can be in the form of anything, I think. So glad you had fun.

Kara said...

i'm totally with you on that one :)