Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Caroline's first tooth!

Okay, so Caroline has fallen victim to the dreaded "second child syndrome". "What's that?", you ask. Well it's when the mother documents everything that the first child did from "first bath" to "first sigh". Everything is documented....and I mean everything. Don't believe me? Look at Conner's own blog . I've pretty much stopped his blog too and was wanting to combine everything here on this blog. One thing I CAN assure you of, though, is that she hasn't fallen victim on the picture front. Got plenty of those!
I'm going to try and do better! I AM! I AM! I AM! ....wait I'm going to quote Yoda on this, "Do, or do not. There is no 'try'."
Back to the title of this post.
Caroline's gums have been swollen since before her 6 month check up. She's been drooling and "teething" since birth practically. Ask anyone that saw her. Since about 6 weeks old she's had her fists stuffed in her mouth and gnawing.
Well, at her 6 month check up (March 2, 2010, Dr. Moore saw her gums were swollen and thought she might have a tooth coming in soon. She was right. Sunday, March 28, I felt her tooth coming through. She hasn't had anymore since then, but I'm sure they are just around the corner!
I just added a reminder to my calendar to blog weekly...It WILL Work!

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