Thursday, January 17, 2008

Customer Service

Customer service. What has happened to it? Why do some people go into the field if they do not know how to be friendly? Maybe they think they are being friendly, but they are not using the right tone to their voice.
I just got off of the phone with my cable company. We are in the process of moving and I wanted to make sure that our house was wired correctly for cable. The lady that is "helping" me answers my call and asks for the current service address and last 4 of my ss#. I give it to her. She says, "Hold on." Then she comes back and asks for it again like I had never given it to her in the first place. So, I give it to her...again. Then she says, "I'm sorry, ma'am the address and last 4 are not right." I'm thinking to myself, I know the address is right, but I wasn't sure if the social was right b/c the account is in Billy's name. She then comes back and says, "Oh, I see it."
Fast forward to when I tell her that I want to have the house we are moving into checked to see if it wired correctly for cable. She gets a major attitude! It's like she doesn't want to take the time and help me. I mean I can understand if they can't do it until I move my service to the new address, but she was acting like I should have known that fromt he begining. UGH!!!
If anyone reading this works in customer service, please remember the person on the other side of the phone doesn't know

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