Monday, November 23, 2009
She's starting early!
I had put her down on her play mat to play while I go to the bathroom. While I was in there I heard her start crying and thought that she was just being fussy. When I came out of the bathroom her cry was muffled a little bit. When I came back to the living room, I saw she had rolled over onto her tummy. I can't believe she's done this so early!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Caroline's Birth Story
Wednesday started very early. Well, I guess technically Tuesday never ended. I didn’t get to sleep until about 1:00 am and had to be up at 3:30 to get ready and be at the hospital by 5.
We left the house by 4:45 and got the hospital right at 5. I checked into the ER because of it being so early. Then, Billy and I walked up to Labor and Delivery. I got into my room and the nurse asked the standard questions and let me change into my lovely gown. After I was settled into my bed my cervix was checked by another nurse. When she checked me she rammed her fingers into my cervix. It felt like she got a running start from across the room. I remember grabbing the sides of the bed because of how much it hurt. I had never been checked so harshly. I was 2 ½ centimeters dilated.
Then, my IV was started at 5:30. Before my meds were given to me, my blood was drawn. When they drew my blood, it gushed down my hand. I don’t’ know why, but I didn’t realize that blood was that warm. It felt like someone had peed on my hand! I was a little grossed out by the feeling of the blood running down my hand.
After my blood was drawn, my meds were given to me. I had to have penicillin because I had tested positive for Group B Strep. The nurse said it might sting going in, but it didn’t. It CRAMPED! It cramped any time my arm was below my head. So, I laid in the bed with my left arm above my head. I even had to go to the bathroom with my hand above my head which was real interesting!
My pitocin was started at the same time was the penicillin. Contractions soon followed, but weren’t too bad. I could actually handle them by breathing through them. I was surprised at myself because with Conner I only had 3 or 4 c contractions before Billy asked for my epidural for me. I was frustrated though because I was having contractions. I could feel them, but they weren’t showing up on the monitor!
Dr. Wells came in around 8:30 to break my water which was earlier than the 9:00 time he said would be there. Boy, was that an experience! It hurt so badly, which was something I didn’t remember from my labor with Conner. He had to try several times to break my water. He first used the hook. He tried and tried, but said Caroline was tucked to the side. He then tried with a fetal probe and still couldn’t break it. The whole time he’s trying to break my water; I’m unintentionally pushing him with my feet. After he tried with the fetal probe he took a break, which I was very thankful for! During the break, I went ahead and asked for my epidural and my nurse called the anesthesiologist and he was on his way up. Dr. Wells then was going to try with the hook again, but Caroline decided to break the water herself (and Mommy is forever grateful for that…lol) I was about 3 ½ centimeters at this time.
Of course after my water was broken the contractions were more intense and it was too long before the anesthesiologist came in to save the day. He asked Billy to step out while he did the procedure. I still don’t understand why Billy was asked to leave, but I wasn’t going to question anything if it was going to delay me getting my epidural! After my epidural was put in, the left side of my body was totally numb, but the right side wasn’t. It wasn’t bad; it just wasn’t as numb as the left side of my body. I could still feel the contractions on the lower right side of my abdomen.
I was checked again around 11:00 and was about 5 cm. After that, I relaxed and let the pitocin do its job. I was checked again around 12 and was 9 cm. My MIL was the first to come back into the room after they checked me and I told her I was at 9. She then went to go get Conner from school so he could be there when Caroline was born. Soon after, I started pushing. I pushed 3 or 4 times and she started crowning. I had to stop pushing to wait for my doctor to get there. While we were waiting, I asked for the mirror. I didn’t use the mirror with Conner, but I’m glad I did with Caroline. It gave me something to focus on and helped me have more productive pushes. When Dr. Wells got into the room, I only had to push 3 times before she was out.
She came out with her hand on her face which is where she liked to keep it apparently because that’s where it was during her ultrasounds too. I tore when she came out, but not in the place most people tear. I tore up top. I thought it would be worse, but it actually was better. I didn’t have any pain post partum like I did with Conner. Dr. Wells had to give me a couple of stitches, but that was it.
She weighed 7lbs. 1oz. (all the nurses thought she would weigh more!) and was 20 ¼ inches long.
I was so happy too because Billy was able to stay with me the whole time and wasn’t sick like he was with Conner.
After Caroline was cleaned up and we spent some time with her, Billy went to get Conner to see his sister for the first time. It was love at first sight for him! I fell in love with Conner all over again when I saw how much he adored his baby sister. We gave him the gift from Caroline and he opened it, but before he opened it he asked, “How did she carry that?” It was precious! I loved being able to have some private family time with just us four.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
36 week appointment
I found out that I lost 2 lbs since last week, but Caroline gained 1lb. I also found out that my Group B Strep test came back positive. I was bummed about that b/c I didn't want to have to have the antibiotics during labor. My group B strep came back negative with Conner and there was only a 15% chance of it coming back positive with Caroline (according to Dr. Wells.) I asked Billy why I couldn't I be lucky and be the small %age that wins the lottery! But, I guess you'd have to actually play the lottery to win, huh?
Thursday, August 6, 2009
35 week update
Luckily after being on the machine for about 20 minutes everything looked fine. I also had an ultrasound to make sure the amniotic fluid was still where it needed to be and it was. We did get to see Caroline has a lot of hair. :)
This week I went back and had gained 1lb. and did another NST which showed everything was fine. I made sure to eat plenty for breakfast! Last week I had only at a little bowl of cereal. This week I ate a bowl of cereal and had a smoothie on the way down there. Dr. Wells checked me and I am already dilated 1 centimeter.
Next week, I will have another NST and another ultrasound to check the amniotic fluid.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Getting baby stuff!
Monday her car seat came from Albee Baby. It's so cute I love it! It's very cushiony (I know not a word). It seems more "cushiony" than Conner's was.
Yesterday, I got a replacement lens for my camera since the other one broke. I know that wasn't "baby stuff" news, but it was a delivery and I'm just as happy about that news too. Now, I can actually take pictures of Conner's t-ball games. I would have liked to have it last week during soccer camp, but it didn't get here in time.
Today, Caroline's changing table and the quilt for her bedding came. We got the changing table from Babies R Us. We got the quilt from Pottery Barn Kids. I ordered bumper pads too, but they are on back order until September 1. That's not a big deal though because Caroline will be sleeping in a bassinet in our room for the first couple of weeks ( anyway.
I've been so proud of Conner! From the moment we found out we were expecting he has been excited! He knew Caroline was going to be a girl and was very excited when we got the confirmation. He has been SUPER excited when we get deliveries. Especially when we come home and they are on the front porch. I hope the excitement continues after she gets here.
That should be it for the deliveries from UPS and Fed Ex. I guess the next big delivery we get will be the arrival of Miss Caroline Faith! :)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The latest
Caroline is definitely getting bigger! My stomach is proof. Her movements are becoming stronger. I just hope this doesn't mean she's going to be an "active" baby. I hope her infancy is as layed back as Conner's was (without all the spitting up). If not, we'll just go with the flow.
At 28 weeks (June 18) we had a 3D ultrasound done to see our precious Caroline. Here's what we got to see:
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Doctor's appointment
With Conner I only gained 14 lbs. total. Hopefully this is the same route I'm going with Caroline too.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Alien movements have begun!
I did go to Kidz Klozet today and get Caroline some cute clothes. I'm really excited to start buying her stuff. The clothes I got her today are 9 months. I want to start picking some different sizes so I have everything covered.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Sweet big brother
We picked up what we needed and then I went to the baby section...just to look. Next thing I know, I see Conner looking at blankets that he wants to get Caroline. :::melt::: I didn't want to get her a blanket yet. So, I talked him into getting her an outfit. We walked over to the clothes and I showed him what he could pick from and picked out the sweetest little Carter's outfit.
He then wanted to get her some socks, shoes, and bows. I really hope his sweetness lasts. :)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Long time no post...
I'm so sorry, I've been neglecting this blog. I think keep saying I want to wait until I scan my ultrasound pics, but I never do that either. Oh well, here I go...
So for the big news....
Her name will be Caroline Faith. We had our "big" ultrasound on the morning of April 15. So, while the rest of the nation was stressing about getting their taxes in the mail on time, I was stressing/ anxious about the gender of my sweet, sweet baby.
We had an ultrasound about 2 weeks before because I had a little scare and we had to make sure the placenta was where it was supposed to be. Everything was fine. While we were in there Billy and I asked the u/s tech if we could sneak a peek. She said she didn't really have time b/c I was a work in, but in the end she did anyway. At THAT time we didn't see if our sweet baby was a little boy, but we couldn't confirm a girl either. Well, on the 15th we could confirm our baby would be named Caroline. :)
Conner was convinced ever since we told him I was pregnant that I was carrying a girl. I would ask him, "Conner what kind of baby do I have in my belly?" and he would reply, "A girl baby." without fail! I asked him what if God gives us a boy baby and he said that he would go in his room and not share his Oh goodness! I'm glad God let us know we are having a "girl baby" or else I would have one very disappointed 4 year old.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Preggo Brain
I get to Dr. Well's office and go to sign in and the lady asks me my name to get my chart ready and looks at me funny. My appointment was not Monday. It is Wednesday. Then, Billy, Conner and I went to Hardee's and ate breakfast. Then went to the other appointment I had which was at Dr. K's office, my infertility Dr. had my blood drawn and then we came home after make a short stop at Billy's office.
So, even though I'm only 11 weeks pregnant, I officially have preggo brain and insomnia. Last Thursday morning I woke up at 2 AM and could NOT go back to sleep. I had to be up at 5 to get ready to go to the hospital for my mother's surgery. This wasn't the first time it happened either. I've had cases of insomnia for the past couple of weeks. I don't remember this happening last pregnancy until at least toward the end of the second trimester. I hope this doesn't foretell the future sleeplessness of this
I did get good news yesterday. I found out that I do not have to take anymroe shots or wear the patches that left lovely "sticker" marks on my belly. :) Now, just to wait until Wednesday and hope everything looks good on the ultrasound!
Friday, January 30, 2009
8 weeks
My morning sickness has been morning, noon, and night with pauses in between. I had been craving some wings and got them tonight and couldn't really eat them. This happened to me with my last pregnancy too! Only last pregnancy we went to Ruth's Chris to celebrate the pregnancy and I couldn't eat my steak...I took it home, but let's face it, left over steak is not
Anyway, that's my week!
Friday, January 16, 2009
First Ultrasound
Monday, January 12, 2009
Blood work and stuff
Okay, now that that is out of the way...My morning sickness has hit me hard now. I'm not throwing up or anything. I've just become a lot more nauseous a lot more often.
This is my whining post. "Why?", you ask. Because my neck hurts too. It's been hurting for the past week. I think I have a little bit of whip lash from going over a speed hump b/c too fast. Not me, Billy. It was pure accident, but I I went to the chiropractor today and was adjusted. So, I'm hoping that slowly, but surely I'll start getting better.